Interim Roles (Estates)
Providing interim consultancy and BAU support to organisations across the UK, assignments have included
- Leading member of a Right First Time (RFT) which developed a scheme for efficient repairs ensuring residents were given appointment times, the correct repairs personnel were in attendance and stock level on vans carried the correct materials relevant to the district
- This resulted in a whole scale repairs change across for the entire portfolio
- Implemented a comprehensive contract for the maintenance and repair of communal heating systems
- Split the clients geographical area between existing suppliers with specialism in District Heating Networks to improve customer service and response times
- Ensured a fixed cost contract for annual works across maintenance and repairs, including a comprehensive asset audit
- Consultant advisor for a large scale District Heating Network and Combined Heat & Power systems
- Provided support and mentoring to a newly appointed permanent departmental lead, following the commissioning of outsourced Estates, Facilities and Capital works
- London Borough of Camden
- Notting Hill Housing Group
- Runnymede Borough Council
- London Borough of Barnet